From the battle-scarred surfaces of Utapau to the towering spires of Coruscant, the Clone Wars have left no corner of the Galaxy unscathed. Now you can take control of one of the powerful sides of this bloody conflict in a bid for complete control of the Galaxy! From ARC Troopers to Droid Starfighters, the battlefield is full of lethal agents of destruction.
Imperial Assault 2: Rise of the Empire features two brand new sides for the excellent Real Time Strategy Game Star Wars: Empire At War. Fight for the cause of the Galactic Republic with huge armadas of Clones and many valiant Jedi, or utilize the technological wonders and massive factories of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Whichever side you choose, you can be sure of one thing: the war will not be won without a fight, you will not be victorious without strength. Gather your forces and prepare to conquer!